Companies are still employing in South-East Queensland – believe it or not!

We hear so many mixed messages in the media and throughout our networks of the doom and gloom out there at the moment and never any good news for candidates and employers. Stories of job losses followed by company closures… and the list goes on. However, among all of this hype, and some real stories of hardship… we are still recruiting and filling some great new roles on the Gold Coast and in Brisbane!

We have some really good news stories of companies that have struggled through the last few years and are coming out the other side, not just needing one new staff member but a number of new staff members. It is so refreshing to sit down with a new or current client and for them to map out the role that we are recruiting for and their plans for future roles as their business grows. If you are in this situation as well, sit back for just a moment and have a quick smile to yourself and feel proud of your achievement.

Candidates are certainly knocking on our doors due to redundancies however employers are also knocking so that they can obtain new staff. There are still shortages in some industries and there probably always will be, meaning a demand for skilled workers in specific roles. We filled a very specialised role a week ago where we had been on the case for almost 3 months attempting to fill it – a recent redundancy from a large company provided the solution for a local employer and delivered an exceptionally talented candidate that will help move his business forward and provide further growth opportunities. Another employer changed the way they did business over a year ago and are now reaping the benefits, with another 6 staff coming on board in the next few months.

As far as jobs / careers go, we have seen a rise in the number of HR opportunities on the Gold Coast as employers grow to that next level and require a specialised person to reign in all of their policies, streamline processes and ensure compliance with legislative requirements. We have also seen a good rise in administrative (general administration / reception / accounts), sales, marketing roles and a slight increase in IT locally.

On the candidate side, we have met with some impressive candidates across a number of industries that we are currently assisting to find their next career move and also some that we have successfully placed. At the moment we are busier than we have been in quite a while. Just like you, it is great to be doing what we love.

Who said that it was all doom and gloom? We don’t think so!

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